On-site Transport Assessment (Fleet Assessment and Optimisation)

Our consultants can undertake an assessment of your transport fleet. We will calculate the utilization and whole life cost relating to you transport operations – both heavy and light fleet – and recommend methods to produce cost savings, ensure legal compliance and change operational procedures to improve efficiency.

Traffic Surveys

Our consultants assist the public sector to undertake traffic assessments to understand the volume and type of traffic to aid in transport modelling and development planning. Our assessment deliver the type and volume of traffic, the environmental impacts and highlight pressure points and dangers on the transport network. In addition, the surveys can be used to predict the air emissions from transport and the likely health and other impacts of new transportation projects.

Logistics Consultancy

Our consultants can examine your supply chain to identify areas for improvement. This includes vehicle scheduling, inventory analysis, legal requirements, international best practice, staffing and competence, in house training and fleet management.